Frequently asked questions
For your convenience, here are some frequently asked questions from parents and our answers. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
For the month of September all Stay & play events will be FREE.
However, these events do cost us to put on so there may be a charge for future events.
The Stay & Play event itself is 45 minutes. However, you are invited to stay 45 minutes past our end time for free play.
The Stay & Play event and the space are designed for children aged 2 to 5 years old. However, older children are welcome to join in as long as they are prepared to use their imagination and have fun!
Yes, this is a free event but as we provide materials for our crafts it is helpful to know how many children to expect. Plus, when you register we send you email reminders so you don’t miss the fun!
So register here,
Our events will be held at the SchoolHaus Prep campus in Chapel Hill, NC.