Preparing for the New Year: For Parents & Nannies

Picture of Jasmine Berry

Jasmine Berry


With the New Year quickly approaching, it’s a great time for nannies and parents alike to prepare for the year ahead. Here are some tips that can help set you up for success in 2023:


Set Goals

Reflect on what you’d like to accomplish personally, professionally, and as a family in the upcoming year. Write them down and create an action plan to achieve them. This will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the year. As well it will help to minimize other tasks or obstacles getting in the way of your ultimate goals for the new year.


Create a Schedule

Collaborating with your caregiving posse to work together to develop a new routine that includes everything from school drop-offs and pick-ups to work schedules and family activities, you’ll make life easier for everyone involved. That’s because a well-organized schedule helps reduce stress and keeps everyone on the same page.


Plan Ahead

As you set those goals and create revised master schedules, also consider planning ahead. One way to stay organized and reduce stress is by planning for upcoming events and holidays. Once these dates are mapped out, it makes the above tasks that much easier. If you’re looking for a planner, we recommend using paper planners or computer apps like Motion! It’s never too early to start planning ahead.



If you have items that are no longer needed, consider selling or donating them. This will help you create a more functional and relaxing living space. You might also try rotating your toys so that only a small number are out at a time. This can make cleanup easier and keep your children engaged and excited about playtime at home.


Prioritize Self-Care

Make time for exercise, relaxation, and hobbies that bring you joy. If you’re having trouble finding time for yourself, think about incorporating self-care tasks into your daily routine. One activity we love is finding a children’s yoga or meditation routine on YouTube and having the kids join in on this relaxing practice.


At Nanny Posse, we’re also preparing for the upcoming year. We’re dedicated to improving our services by investing in new technology, expanding our team, and creating new training programs to meet the needs of our community. Additionally, we’re launching this blog and a monthly newsletter to keep our community informed and educated. We’d love to hear from you about what topics, advice, or stories you’d like to read about in 2023 and beyond. Please contact us at [email protected] or subscribe to our monthly newsletter below.

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