Spring Fun Awaits!

Picture of Jasmine Berry

Jasmine Berry

Spring is a special time to be enjoyed by all! To make the most of this lovely season, here are 10 ideas that everyone can enjoy together. Not only do these activities promise to keep everyone entertained, but we also have some tips to ensure you make the most of your outdoor adventure this spring! So get ready for some epic adventures both indoors and outdoors. We hope you have fun exploring all the possibilities that this season has in store!



  1. Go on a nature scavenger hunt – explore your local area and see what you can find! Make it fun by adding riddles or clues to each item you’re looking for, or bring along a nature book to identify what you find along the way.
  2. Have a DIY day – make something together, like a birdhouse or wind chime. Create a “blueprint” ahead of time so everyone knows what supplies you’ll need beforehand. Make it even more of an event by taking the kids along for a field trip to the local hardware store to get the supplies.
  3. Host a cooking class – teach your kids how to make something new in the kitchen! You can tie in the spring theme by featuring a spring ingredient. Give them simple tasks such as measuring ingredients or stirring the pot.
  4. Plan a movie marathon – pick out some of your favorite films and have an at-home theater night. Treat it like an actual theater experience by setting up popcorn stands and making movie tickets for everyone. If the weather is nice, host it outside!
  5. Visit a local museum or aquarium – take in some culture while learning about different species and habitats. Make it interactive by coming up with questions related to each exhibit they visit. Many children’s museums also offer daily interactive programs.
  6. Try geocaching – use GPS coordinates to find hidden treasures around town! Bring along magnifying glasses or flashlights if necessary to help find smaller items that are tucked away in harder-to-reach places!
  7. Plant flowers or vegetables – get your hands dirty and watch your plants grow over time! Encourage everyone in the family to take part in watering responsibilities so they can observe its progress from start to finish. Bonus: if you grow fruits or vegetables, you can incorporate them into your cooking classes!
  8. Take part in an outdoor sport – go for a bike ride, play catch, or try something new like disc golfing or kayaking. Check your local town website to see what they offer, and then grab a group of your children’s friends and go have some fun!
  9. Have an outdoor picnic – pack up some snacks and head to the park for lunch al fresco! Make it special by creating creative decorations such as homemade place settings and mini bouquets of wildflowers (snip off at least one inch above ground level!).
  10. Create art outdoors– use natural materials like leaves, rocks, and sticks to make something unique! Foster their imagination by asking questions about why they chose certain elements from nature and what stories their artwork is trying to tell!



Spring is the perfect time to get outside and have some fun together! Enjoy the sunny days with a variety of activities that will bring everyone entertainment, from educational opportunities to playful activities. Don’t forget your hats and sunscreen (and have those rainboots at the ready) as you explore all the possibilities that this spring season has to offer – everyone is sure to love it!

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