How to Foster a Successful Nanny Relationship

Picture of Jasmine Berry

Jasmine Berry


When you hire a nanny or any domestic childcare provider, it is natural to be both excited and nervous. You are bringing someone new into your home and entrusting them with the care of your most precious possessions—your children. While this can be a nerve-wracking experience, there are ways to make sure the relationship between you and your nanny is successful. Here are five tips plus a bonus that will help ensure that communication and boundaries are established—and maintained—so that everyone in this new working relationship is happy.



Set Expectations Early

Before entering into an agreement with any childcare provider, it’s important to make sure that expectations are discussed and agreed upon from the beginning. This includes topics such as what duties they will perform, how long they will work, how much they will be paid, and any other expectations or preferences for the job. It’s also important to discuss any special rules or regulations that need to be followed in order to keep everyone safe and comfortable in the home. Having open communication about these topics from the start helps create an atmosphere of trust and understanding between both parties.


Establish Boundaries

As much as possible, try to establish boundaries between yourself and your nanny early on so that everyone knows their role in the home. This means setting clear guidelines for when it’s appropriate for them to interact with you versus when they should leave you alone while you’re working or taking care of other responsibilities around the house. This also means respecting each other’s privacy by not snooping through one another’s personal belongings or asking too many questions about their personal life. Establishing these boundaries at the beginning can help avoid any misunderstandings down the line and maintain a healthy relationship between the two of you.


Respect Their Time

A good nanny will always put your children first, but at the same time, it is essential to respect their need for personal time away from the job. Make sure you honor their scheduled end times and avoid unnecessary communication during their vacations. Not only does this allow them to rest from their obligations and help prevent burnout, but it also helps maintain a healthy relationship between the two of you by allowing each party to take some distance and focus on themselves every once in a while. Setting aside time for them to get refreshed can have positive effects when they come back to work, making sure that they will remain happy and motivated while working around the house.


Be Open-Minded

If a disagreement with your nanny should arise, it is important to maintain an open-minded attitude and take a step back before making any snap judgments. Conflict resolution cannot be successful if either party takes the situation personally, so learning how to communicate in a calm and rational way during challenging situations is key to having a healthy relationship. Nobody wants to be taken off guard by unexpected emotions, so by approaching disagreements this way, you can ensure that all parties involved are striving for a solution that makes everyone involved feel secure and appreciated.


Give Positive Reinforcement

As much as possible, try giving positive reinforcement rather than criticism whenever you can. Whenever they do something well or go beyond their duties, offering honest words of appreciation can make all the difference in strengthening the bond between you two. Positive reinforcement has been proven to have a positive effect on relationships, as everyone feels more valued and appreciated when they receive recognition for their work. It is an essential part of building trust and ensures that both parties involved are always looking out for each other.


Bonus Tip: Listen To One Another

This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s worth emphasizing. Listening is key when trying to build relationships! Take time throughout each day (or week) to sit down together (in person if possible) and talk about anything going on in either person’s life; this could include talking about current events or just chatting about whatever topic comes up naturally during conversation! Listening shows respect while also helping create mutual understanding between two people, which can only benefit any type of relationship in general!



Creating a successful relationship between parents/guardians and childcare providers requires effort from both sides. However, following these six tips can help lay the foundation for a successful employer-employee relationship! Taking some time upfront before bringing someone new into your home can help set clear expectations, which then leads to establishing boundaries once those expectations have been discussed thoroughly; after all, it takes at least two people who understand one another’s needs/wants in order for any relationship— whether professional or personal—to thrive! So take some time today (or tomorrow!) And invest in making sure yours does just that!​

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